The CrossFit Livermore blog

Row/ Run

Row/ RunEvery 6 minutes for 5 sets500 Meter row400 Meter run

Big Farmer

StrengthEMOM 7 sets2 Weighted ring dips Big FarmerFor time25 Ring dips100 Double unders500 Meter farmers carry 53/35100 Double unders25 Ring dips*With a pair of KBs


Prehab2 sets ofM1: 5 knee of toe lungesM2: 10 Tricep openers Strength Every 90 seconds for 10 sets2 Thrusters*From rack FRANFor time (8 cap)21-15-9Thrusters 95/65Pull…

Push The Minute

Prehab2 sets ofM1: 5 Hip air planesM2: 10 Split leg good mornings(5/5 Each leg) Push The MinuteEMOM 20M1: BikeM2: Devils Press 35/25M3: Shuttle runM4: Rest…

Bring A Friend Partner Workout

Today is bring a friend day!! All classes are free for friend and family! Bring A FriendAMRAP 20100 Air squats1000 Meter row100 Sit ups1000 Meter…

Cool Runnings

Today is bring a friend day!! All classes are free for friend and family! Strength EMOM 10 sets1 clean & Jerk Cool RunningsAMRAP 22800 Meter…

Cardio Sampler

Bring A Friend Day!!!This Friday 25th & Saturday 26th, classes are free for friends and family to come and try! Cardio Sampler EMOM 40M1: BikeM2:…

Big Chip

Bring A Friend Day!!!This Friday 25th & Saturday 26th, classes are free for friends and family to come and try! Big ChipFor time (20 cap)50…

Inverted Swing

Bring A Friend Day!!!This Friday 25th & Saturday 26th, classes are free for friends and family to come and try! Prehab2 Sets of5-7 seated good…

Off The Wall

Bring A Friend Day!!!This Friday 25th & Saturday 26th, classes are free for friends and family to come and try! Prehab2 sets of5 Knee over…

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