The CrossFit Livermore blog

Jump Man

Prehab2 Sets of10 Slant board calf raises10 Tib raises Jump Man5 Sets of2 minutes on/ 2 minutes off50 Double unders250/200 Meter rowMax effort Weighted step…

Partner WOD

Partner WODAMRAP 20:250m Row200m Run15 Push Ups20 Air Squats15 Sit Ups Alternate movements with partner* If you have a weight vest wear it.

Longest Round V2

Longest Round V2AMRAP 1210 Front squats 135/9510 Box jump overs 24/2010 Thrusters 135/9510 Toes to bar10 Hang power cleans 135/9510 Bar muscle ups*Then work your…


Trifecta 5 sets4 minutes on/ 2 minutes off250/ 200 Meter row15/10 Calorie bike200 Meter run


StrengthEvery 90 seconds for 7 sets3 Deadlifts Unhinged7 Rounds of1 minute on/ 1 minute off12/8 Calorie bikeMax effort Kettlebell swings 70/44 IRT

Mile Chipper

Mile ChipperFor time (30 cap)100 Double Unders600 Meter run75 Wall balls 20/14600 Meter run50 Pull ups600 Meter run25 Clean & Jerks 135/95

Total Body By 2s

Strength Every 90 seconds for 7 sets3 Push press Total Body By 2sAMRAP 112-4-6-8-10.. so onPush press 95/65Front rack lunges 95/65Bar facing burpee Weekly Overview…


StrengthEvery 90 seconds for 10 sets2 back squats 1110For time (10 cap)1000 Meter run100 Air squats10 Rope climbs 15′

Squat Snatcher

StrengthEMOM 10 sets1 Squat snatch Squat Snatcher 4 Sets of2:30 on/ 2:30 off20/15 Calorie row8 Burpee box jump oversMax effort Squat snatch 115/75 In remaining…

Row/ Run

Row/ RunEvery 6 minutes for 5 sets500 Meter row400 Meter run

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