The CrossFit Livermore blog

Triathlon Lite

Triathlon LiteFor time2 rounds100/80 Calorie bike1000 Meter row1000 Meter run

Track Triplet

Prehab2 sets10 PVC pipe Lat opener10 Tricep opener Strength Every 90 for 5 sets5 Weighted pull ups Track TripletFor time (13 cap)3 rounds of8 Power…

Pressure Cycle

20 Rep max Hang power cleanEvery 2 minutes for 5 setsSet 1: 10 Empty barbellSet 2: 10 light weightSet 3: 5 moderate weightSet 4: 5…

CrossFit Open Workout 13.2

StrengthEMOM 103 Push jerks*From rack CrossFit Open 13.2AMRAP 105 Push jerks 115/7510 Deadlifts 115/7515 Box jumps 24/20*From floor Weekly OverviewTUES: Power clean + Front squat…

Dirty 30

Prehab2 Sets10 Knee over toe lunges10 hip airplanes StrengthEMOM 10 sets1 Snatch + 2 Overhead squats Dirty 30For time (15 cap)30 Snatches 75/5515 Burpee box…


3-2For time3000 Meter row2000 Meter run

Big Pull

Prehab2 sets Forearm crawl Tricep opener Strength Every 90 seconds for 5 sets5 Bent over barbell rows Big Pull5 Rounds of1:30 on/ 1:30 off30 Double…

Kettle Carry

Strength 20 Rep max Bench PressEvery 2 minutes for 5 setsSet 1: 10 Empty barbellSet 2: 10 light weightSet 3: 5 moderate weightSet 4: 5…


Strength EMOM 10 sets1 Squat clean MidlandFor time (25 Cap)7 rounds of12 Squat cleans 95/659 Toes to bar200 Meter run w/ med-ball 20/14 Weekly Overview…


StrengthEvery 90 seconds for 6 sets:3 Weighted pull ups 375For time (18 cap)100-60-40Double Under50-30-20Wallball35-25-15Pull ups

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